Monday, July 14, 2014

End of Day

My husband suffers from debilitating pain as a result of a rather complicated botching of his care under Workers Comp. Sometimes the evening chores fall to me. Tonight, I watered the pots and the annuals, the rhubarb and bleeding hearts (planted this year). I lugged five buckets of water over to the linden trees (planted on the last new moon) and a bucket for the spruce tree I raised from a seedling and transplanted this spring. I fed the rabbit some kale and some lettuce from our garden then changed the chickens' water and collected the eggs. The last thing I did as the sun went down was pick strawberries for breakfast.
My husband slept through all of this and I am quite content with a feeling of accomplishment. There is competence in the care I give on my own to everything we enjoy together.

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